Drew has always been an entertainer...

From the very beginning he was amazing his family with his creativity and talent.  He would put together elaborate variety shows with his brother and cousins during family gatherings.  He would also produce home-made radio programs with his best friend.  As time went by, Drew discovered he could imitate characters from cartoons and shows he watched.  His playtime was enriched because he could use these voices for his toys to enhance the experience.  In his teens, Drew's mom, a teacher, asked him to voice the school production she was putting together.  When it was played at the event Drew's mom was asked many times who the performer was.  They commented that it sounded like she hired a professional.
Recently Drew decided to put his talent to good use.  On a plane ride returning from a family reunion, Drew met someone in the television industry who helped Drew find his voice coach, Bruce Carey. Together Bruce and Drew cultivated Drew's talent and produced the demo you can listen to here on this site.